Carpenter Foundation Trustees and Staff

The Carpenter Foundation Trustees

The Carpenter Foundation has two kinds of trustees:  family trustees and public trustees.  There are six positions for family trustees and four positions for public trustees.  Family trustees serve five-year terms, which are renewable without limit.  Public trustees serve two-year terms and can serve a maximum of two terms.

Public trustees were added to the board in 1972.  These thoughtful and engaged community members bring new ideas and new perspectives to the Foundation, while family members provide continuity and an understanding of history.  The combination yields rich and lively discussions about the community and its needs and a well-reasoned approach to grant-making.

While most foundations make grants on an annual or semi-annual basis, the trustees of the Carpenter Foundation meet quarterly to make grant decisions.


Emily C. Mostue President
Karen C. Allan Vice President & Secretary
Dan Thorndike Treasurer
Sue Naumes
Amy Cuddy
Steve Boyarsky
Bruce Van Zee
Sue Cohen


Ali Mostue Program Officer
Tammie Henriksen Office Administrator