Carpenter Foundation Grant Application Guidelines

Grant Application Guidelines

As of July 1st, 2023 the Carpenter Foundation began our online grant application process.  You can click on the Application tab in the menu to access the online portal. We highly encourage you to read the grant guidelines information below prior to applying.

Deadlines:  The Foundation Board meets quarterly.  Call the office, (541) 772-5732, or see the FAQ’s for application deadlines.

Eligibility Considerations and Requirements:  Grant applications will be accepted only from tax exempt agencies.  No grants to individuals will be made.  Only one grant per year to any agency is usually considered.  The Foundation makes grants only within Jackson and Josephine Counties with the exception of a few statewide public interest issues directly affecting persons living in these counties.  The Foundation rarely makes multi-year grants, grants for historical applications, hospital construction or equipment, group or individual trips, or activities for religious purposes.


It is crucial that any group wishing to apply for a grant using a fiscal sponsor speak to the Program Officer before beginning the application process.  Please call the Program Officer at the number listed below for more information.

The Foundation has an online application process.  Proposals sent by email, mail or fax will not be accepted.  Late applications will not be considered.

Proposal Information: 

  • Description of the proposal or project and the community needs that it addresses.
  • Review of the applicant agency, its purpose and services to the community, its staffing and use of volunteers.
  • Description of how the project will be funded in the future (if applicable).
  • The planning process, staffing and timeline for the project.
  • Result expected and proposed evaluation method.
  • Any recent independent board fundraising efforts.


Required Attachments:

  • Detailed project budget – provide a breakdown of the entire project budget including all income and expenses.  Show specifically how Carpenter Foundation funds will be used, and identify any other possible funding sources for the project.
  • Detailed organization budget – provide the organization budget for the current year and the year for which the project is proposed (if different).  The Foundation does not fund administrative costs based on a flat percentage of the project budget.
  • Income statement and balance sheet for the most recently completed fiscal year (or audit if available).  No 990’s please.
  • List of board of directors, occupations, and addresses.
  • Copy of the IRS exemption letter under section 501(c)(3).


The applicant agency is ordinarily scheduled to meet with the Program Review Committee of the Foundation Board for a brief discussion, some days prior to the meeting at which the Foundation’s Board of Trustees makes grant decisions.